Category Archives: Healing

Moving On When You Don’t Get Closure

It’s a real struggle to move on when you don’t get an apology or even...

The First Step Is The Hardest To Change Your Life

Right now, many people are feeling pressure that something MUST change. It is likely accompanied...

Identifying Your Toxic Patterns & Blindspots

One of the biggest problems I see in my sessions is that people get stuck...

The Overthinking Sliding Scale: Does It Matter?

The paradox of overthinking is that it creates both anxiety and a calming effect. When...

How To Stop Overthinking: The Biggest Waste of Time!

That’s the simple truth. And yet, overthinking is one of the biggest toxic patterns that...

How Can I Help You?

Collectively, a lot of changes are happening right now. People are no longer satisfied with...

Getting Through Your Darkest Times

We tend to have negative connotations towards getting stuck in a bad phase of life....

Dealing with Holiday Emotions

Any major holiday is so emotionally charged. There is heightened nervous excitement, planning, socializing, and...

Celebrating Your List of “Non–Achievements”

Whenever we come to the end of another year, people start to judge whether or...

What’s Your FCK IT List?

When I turned 40, there was one main thing I learned: you do not need...

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