Reflector Superpowers

Hello dear Reflector!

Sometimes it doesn’t feel empowering to be a Reflector. There are days when you move mountains, and other days when you can’t move at all. So much inconsistency!

But this is also a superpower when you learn how to use it…

Reflector Superpowers

  1. When Reflectors lean into their inconsistency, it makes them adaptable and able to pivot at any moment. It is a superpower that Reflectors don’t need to hold onto things and can be excited by a surprising change. Many people can’t do this.
  2. Reflectors can fit in almost anywhere and with anyone because they are flexible and adaptable. They can seamlessly enter new environments, teams, and projects and understand something straight away.
  3. Reflectors build a unique knowledge base because they are open to such a wide range of values, personalities, and perspectives. Through this wide perspective, they see concepts and patterns that others don’t see.

That’s just from being a Reflector!

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