Profile Lines 6/3: The Role Model / Martyr

Your profile (Line 6/Line 3) relates to things such as personality traits, approach to life and learning, and niche knowledge areas.

You probably have more experiences and stories than most people, especially from your younger years when you trialled various jobs, lifestyles, relationships, and situations. You learn what works and doesn’t work and make improvements or changes after each step. When you share your lived knowledge, this insight is unique and often inspires others to be more daring with their own lives.

Profile 6/3: The Experienced Example

You learn through trial and error and blossom later in life after a few experiences, new starts, break ups, or failures. This is because you learn by experimenting and trying things yourself, which you tend to do a lot before 30. While this sometimes feels chaotic or like the long way, this is how you learn best.

These people tend to go through three life stages. Before 30, you try many things and find what works and doesn’t. Around 30, you may feel the pull to retire, rest and reflect on your experiences. From a distance, you gain objectivity, insight, and clarity into how you want to proceed. You define who you really are. From 50 and onwards, you start to feel a pull to return to action, guiding others with the lessons you gained through your experiences.

This type has a dependable and responsible side. But they need to balance it with feeling restless, always searching to do something better, seeking thrills, or embarking on new experiences. Although, when they do start to feel bored or uninspired, they can benefit from trying a new experience or shaking things up. This type tends to dislike repeating the same experience, drama, or repetitive patterns.

Personality Traits of a 6/3 Profile

  • This personality type tends to have an adventurous, risk-taking, or entrepreneurial side. They typically like to experiment with new ideas, concepts, careers, lifestyles, or experiences. You try different or new ways of doing things that other people don’t try. The knowledge you gather is unique.
  • You’ve likely had a few experiences that would break the average person. This can feel overwhelming but you have a great ability to get up and try something else.
  • This need to learn through trial and error never fully goes away, but it does subside in your 30s or 40s when you start learning what did and didn’t work.
  • These lessons end up being helpful to others who don’t have the resilience and tenancy to try what you have. They are content to learn from the knowledge you gather and may start copying your example as a role model, especially after 50.


  • It’s important not to label your experiences as mistakes but how you process something to understand it from the inside.
  • Throughout your life, and especially after your 30s, you might feel a need to retreat and focus on stability, family, resting, or healing. It may feel like whiplash or depressive compared to your previous self. But this withdrawal is necessary to process your experiences so you don’t repeat them.


  • You’ve likely had a few big experiences. Some 6/3 people may avoid new experiences because they get overwhelmed. But this also stops learning and growth.
  • To others, your life may look chaotic, painful, or disorganized. Feeling ‘different’ can be isolating but your process has value.

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