What’s Your Inner Authority? Your Decision-Making Influencer

In human design, each person’s decision-making process is defined by their energy type ‘Strategy’ + ‘Inner Authority’.

After following your strategy, your ‘inner authority’ is your second decision-making signal to confirm your initial reaction.

Emotional (Solar Plexus) Authority

After following your ‘strategy,’ the second step of your decision-making is to wait for emotional clarity.

Those with emotional authority need to wait before answering to ensure their decision is not emotionally charged. This is because they have emotional waves and need to avoid making decisions while in an emotional mood.

You need to ponder a decision so it still feels right after various emotional states. It’s important not to make emotional decisions in a high or low mood, whether joy, nerves, or sadness. It’s hard to make clear, quick decisions when you’re feeling emotional. It helps to take time before acting or responding, so you can make sure a decision still feels good or bad when you’re also in a calm, neutral stage.

Those with emotional authority can find decision-making stressful because their feelings and answers change a lot. If they wait and give themselves time for big decisions, they can reconfirm that their answer is the same over various hours, days, or moods. They can ensure a decision is not emotionally charged or made from an emotional high or low.

This Inner Authority applies to Emotional Generators, Emotional Manifesting Generators, Emotional Manifestors, and Emotional Projectors.

Your full decision-making process is your strategy and inner authority combined, as seen below.

Emotional Generators & Emotional Manifesting Generators: Respond, then wait for emotional clarity
  • Your full decision-making process is your strategy and inner authority combined. Listen to your body’s gut response first when presented with an environment, person, food, or question. Once you confirm that consuming, excited feeling in your gut or body, you should wait to see if it still feels right and exciting over time and various emotions. This might be a few hours or days.
Emotional Manifestors: Wait for emotional clarity, then inform others
  • Wait for emotional clarity then inform others: It’s important to wait before making big decisions. You need to confirm that a decision or action still feels good over various emotional stages. Otherwise, you might say yes to everything when you’re feeling good, or reject opportunities when you’re feeling low. Once you’re sure the decision still feels emotionally right, tell people what you’re up to so they can support you.
Emotional Projectors: Wait for others to come to you, then wait for emotional clarity
  • When someone invites you to share your advice or services, it means they are eager and appreciative of your particular perspective and talents. But that doesn’t mean every invite or offer is right for what you want. Before replying, take a few hours or days to see if it’s something that feel emotionally right.

Gut Response (Sacral) Authority

In your case, strategy and authority will be the same. To guide you towards correct decisions, your gut or body will respond with an energetic buzz or a certain feeling if something is right for you. A maybe or indecisive feeling is a no. If there is no response or energy, it may not be time to make the decision. Your body can respond in numerous ways, such as sighs, grunts, sounds (uh-huh, uh-uh), or feeling restrictive (no) or expansive (yes).

Follow what fully excites you in your gut or body. Your body sends a strong energetic or excited buzz when you really want to do something (yes response); it will signal by contracting or shuddering if you don’t want to do it (no).

To ensure that you are guided to the right places and people, you should always wait until something gives you a gut response of excitement. This shows what you will have energy for.

This Inner Authority type only applies to Generators and Manifesting Generators.

Sacral Decision-Making Process: Respond to your gut
  • Your full decision-making process is your strategy and inner authority combined. Trust the first response that your body has when presented with a decision or question; after that, the mind usually interferes and presents a rational approach. This takes you away from what you ‘want’ to do and swayed to what you ‘should’ do. The gut response is black and white; anything that is not a clear yes is a no (ie. a maybe is a no).

Instinct (Splenic) Authority

After following your ‘strategy,’ the second step of your decision-making is to listen to your body’s spontaneous response, which only speaks in the moment.

To confirm a decision, listen to your first impression or instinct when introduced to a person, situation, or project. Your survival instinct can feel whether or not something or someone is good for you, and warns you when it feels off or not right. This intuitive, inner feeling is spontaneous, in the now, and doesn’t repeat.

When a place, person, or opportunity is correct for you, you will get a good intuitive first impression. Despite the doubts that may arise from your mind, your survival instinct senses what is good or bad for you.

You may feel an instinct or internal answer when something feels right or wrong in the moment. It might be an inner voice or just knowing when something feels good or off. If there is no intuitive hit, it might not be time to make the decision.

This Inner Authority applies to Splenic Manifestors and Splenic Projectors.

Splenic Manifestors: Trust your instincts, then inform others
  • You know in the moment whether a person, place, or opportunity feels right or wrong for you. It might not make rational sense to make such quick or spontaneous decisions, but your body’s instinct knows when something feels correct. Once you’re sure of your next step, tell other people what you are up to so they can support you.
Splenic Projectors: Wait for others to come to you, then trust your instinct
  • When someone seeks out your advice, help or services, see what your body’s instant response is. You will feel an instinctual yes or no in the very first moment, before the mind tries to rationalize an answer. When someone invites you to share, it means they will be more open and appreciate your particular perspective.

Ego-Manifested (Heart) Authority

After following your ‘strategy,’ the second step of your decision-making is to make sure it aligns with your values.

To ensure that a place, person, or opportunity is correct for you, see what triggers your willpower. When you believe in something, it is like a power or energy flaring up inside. Listen to how you express things and whether there is conviction or strength in your voice.

To confirm a decision, check that it is also something that your heart is into or aligns with your values or beliefs. If it does, you will feel willpower or energy to do it. Pay attention to what you express in the moment when talking about it, sometimes you can notice if there is strength or conviction in your voice or not.

You should make decisions based on what you believe in and feel called towards. Your heart needs to be in it, otherwise, you won’t find the willpower or motivation to complete it. It’s about following your heart’s desires and not feeling selfish for it.

This Inner Authority applies to Ego Manifestors.

Ego Manifestors: Trust your will then inform
  • Follow what you feel strongly about or that aligns with your values, then share your plans with others.

Ego-Projected (Heart) Authority

After following your ‘strategy,’ the second step of your decision-making is to make sure that it aligns with your values.

To ensure a person, place, or opportunity is correct for you, see what triggers your willpower, whenever you are invited into something. It will feel like a power flaring up inside and an internal need to initiate it.

To confirm a decision, you need to talk about it out loud with others or to yourself. Notice what you say and how you talk about it. Go for what feels aligned with what you believe in or what your heart is into. It will give you a feeling of energy or willpower to want to get it done. You will feel driven by an internal need to initiate the next step.

When someone invites you to share your advice or skills, you should only say yes if you feel a clear sense of conviction or commitment. Only go forward once you are sure that you can do something and know it is right for you.

This Inner Authority type only applies to Ego-Projected Projectors.

Ego-Projected Projectors: Wait for others to invite you, then trust your will
  • Your ideas and advice will have more success when someone invites you into an environment, project, situation, relationship, or opportunity. But you shouldn’t accept every offer. Make sure your heart, values, and willpower is also into it and that you feel motivated and energy to do it.

Self-Projected Authority

After following your ‘strategy,’ the second step of your decision-making is to see how you express it out loud and see what reflects your unique identity and life direction. If a person, place, or opportunity is right for you, you will talk about it clearly without much back-and-forth, otherwise, it will sound like you don’t have any clarity (a no or wait response).

To confirm a decision, you need to talk it out loud with others and see if it aligns with your identity and life direction. Pay attention to what you express and how. If feel sure about something, you will speak about it in a clear and direct way, without much wandering or doubt; if not, it will sound confusing, awkward, and with no conclusion in what you say.

You need to talk your decisions out. When you talk freely without thinking, it forms your ideas and helps you decide what feels right for your personality and values. Your voice or excitement levels hint at how you feel, or ideas might form as you speak.

This Inner Authority type applies to Self-Projected Projectors.

Self-Projected Projectors: Wait for others to invite you, then listen to what you say in the moment
  • When someone invites you to share your thoughts or comes to you for advice, see what makes you excited or what ideas feel right as you speak out loud. A voice note can also sometimes works. This hints at what the best course of action would be and your subconscious decision.

Mental Authority

After following your ‘strategy,’ the second step of your decision-making is to see how you express it out loud.

To make sure a person, place, or opportunity is correct for you, talk to various people you trust, who let you soundboard without imposing their opinion. Listen to what you say and how you say it, then reflect on it to gain clarity over time.

To confirm a decision, you need to take your time and talk out loud or to different people, who don’t try to impose their opinions but act as a soundboard so you can listen to your thoughts. Take note of what you say and how you say it, then reflect on it to gain clarity over time. See what emotions are behind your voice, are you excited or wary?

You need to talk your decisions out. You form your ideas when you speak freely without thinking. It is not to seek the opinions of others but to see how you feel about your own thoughts and see what makes the most sense to you.

This Inner Authority type only applies to Mental Projectors, although some Reflectors will also benefit from soundboarding their ideas in a similar way.

Mental Projectors: Wait for others to come to you, then talk to various people and see what you say
  • When someone asks you to share your thoughts or seeks your advice, see what makes you excited or what ideas feel right as you speak. A voice note can also work. To be sure you are not being swayed by other opinions, use several people that you trust to soundboard off and listen to what consistently makes you feel excited, positive, certain, or confident about it.

Lunar Authority

e strategy and authority is the same for Reflectors. To ensure that a person, place, or opportunity is correct for you, it helps to wait as long as possible before making up your mind, preferably a lunar cycle. See how you feel over time and after pondering something from various perspectives, and as the Moon activates the different gates of your human design. It can help to soundboard off of someone or use voice notes.

To confirm a decision, you need time to ponder it and weigh up the pros and cons until you feel certain. For big decisions, see what thoughts or ideas stay the same over various evaluations and moods (typically, a lunar cycle or 28-days). You can also talk to yourself or people who don’t try to impose their opinions but act as soundboards. Observe what you say and how you say it.

You need time to analyze a situation from every angle until the answer is clear and you feel sure. If that is not possible, soundboard your ideas with close people (like Mental Authority) to see how you feel about your own thoughts.

Reflectors are the only type to have an ‘outer’ not ‘inner’ Authority.

Reflector Decision-Making: Reflect and discuss with trusted people to see what comes out
  • You need time to understand all the angles and possibilities. If you are still thinking about an idea or want to pursue a decision, this is a yes. When you release the pressure to make quick decisions, your slow decisions are well thought out and get you faster to where you want to go. Wait at least one month for big decisions, or as long as you possibly can for less important decisions. It can help to talk out your decisions with the right people, not to absorb their advice but to see how you feel.

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