Your Optimal Environment: How To Boost Your Focus, Recharge & Creativity

In the Human Design System, a lot of information lies behind the arrows (or Variables) that you can see at the top of your chart. These relate to the Primary Health System (PHS) aspect of Human Design and show us what our body will naturally crave and desire the more we become in alignment with our bodies (or in Human Design, by following the strategy and authority of your energy type).

In this article, we talk about the bottom left arrow, which can face either left or right, which relates to the best environments for you.

Environment refers to where you best relax, work, think, create, focus, or recharge. Left arrows tend to feel energized, charged, and creative in their optimal environment. For right arrows, their optimal environment is when they truly relax and unwind, which is what they need for their creativity.

Caves (Selective–Left Arrow)

You thrive when you can close yourself off from the world and be selective about how and when people engage with you. You thrive with one-on-one or doing one at a time. Crowds can feel overwhelming.

You function best in environments that feel secure and comforting. It can feel unsettling knowing someone could disrupt you, and external stimulation can also become overwhelming. You don’t truly relax until you are alone or can see or control who interrupts or enters your space. You may often feel a need to withdraw to your familiar, cozy, or enclosed spaces to boost productivity, get into your active flow, focus better, or gather your thoughts.

As a left arrow, you are most productive when you have consistency and structure in your physical, emotional, relational, and mental environments. You feel ungrounded when you move around often and prefer to spend long periods of time in familiar places, whether to work, relax, or eat. If you have to move around, you find comfort in familiar places (a favorite coffee shop).

Caves (Blending–Right Arrow)

You thrive when you can retreat from the world and have control over how and when people engage with you. You like to blend in with crowds and can feel uncomfortable if the focus turns to you. Finding the correct group where you feel comfortable is key.

Your optimal environment is one that makes you feel secure. It can feel unsettling knowing someone might interrupt or sneak up on you, so you don’t properly relax until you feel safe. You like to control who enters your space or see the entrance. You feel a need to retreat to your cozy, comforting, or enclosed spaces to reset, or may slip away to a car or bathroom to gather your thoughts.

As a right arrow, you thrive and get inspired when you mix up your environments, such as where you work, eat, or live. Right-arrow people move around often or try new things. When you feel stuck, try a simple change of environment, such as work from a different place, eat lunch outside, or go for a walk. You like to observe and constantly take in what’s going on around you; you can feel off if you have nothing to observe.

Markets (Internal–Left Arrow)

You thrive in environments where there is an exchange of goods, services, information, and money. This type tends to be entrepreneurial and loves to work from home or move from one internal environment to another.

You are drawn to the bustle of exchange, browsing, and selecting. Your optimal environment is one in which you find new things, select from a variety of options, or can tap into the exchange of business, goods, or other resources. Tends to have an entrepreneurial side.

As a left arrow, you are most productive when you have consistency and structure in your physical, emotional, relational, and mental environments. You feel ungrounded when you move around often and prefer to spend long periods of time in familiar places, whether to work, relax, or eat. If you have to move around, you find comfort in visiting familiar places (a favorite restaurant).

Markets (External–Right Arrow)

You thrive in environments where there is an exchange of goods, services, information, and money. This type tends to be entrepreneurial and loves to move around, travel, or spend time outside of their home (including for work).

You are drawn to the bustle of exchange, browsing, and selecting. Your optimal environment is one in which you find new things, select from a variety of options, or can tap into the exchange of business, goods, or other resources. Tends to have an entrepreneurial side.

As a right arrow, you thrive and get inspired when you mix up your environments, such as where you work, eat, or live. Right-arrow people move around often or try new things. When you feel stuck, try a simple change of environment, such as work from a different place, eat lunch outside, or go for a walk. You like to observe and constantly take in what’s going on around you; you can feel off if you have nothing to observe.

Mountains (Active–Left Arrow)

You thrive and get clarity when you retreat, get away from it all, or step back and see things from a distance. You feel better when you go higher, get an expansive viewpoint, be active, go out for a specific reason, or lower your oxygen levels, like through breathwork.

Your optimal environment is one where you can get higher than others, see the bigger picture, or take distance to reflect. Sometimes, simply going up higher will shift your mood, or you may feel a need to retreat or get distance from a group setting so you can gather your thoughts and reset.

As a left arrow, you are most productive when you have consistency and structure in your physical, emotional, relational, and mental environments. You feel ungrounded when you move around often and prefer to spend long periods of time in familiar places, whether to work, relax, or eat. If you have to move around, you find comfort in visiting familiar places (a favorite restaurant).

Mountains (Passive–Right Arrow)

You thrive and get clarity when you retreat, get away from it all, or step back and see things from a distance. You feel better when you go higher, get an expansive viewpoint, go outside for no specific reason, or lower your oxygen levels, like through breathwork.

Your optimal environment is one where you can get higher than others, see the bigger picture, or take distance to reflect. Sometimes, simply going up higher will shift your mood, or you may feel a need to retreat or get distance from a group setting so you can gather your thoughts and reset.

As a right arrow, you thrive and get inspired when you mix up your environments, such as where you work, eat, or live. Right-arrow people move around often or try new things. When you feel stuck, try a simple change of environment, such as work from a different place, eat lunch outside, or go for a walk. You like to observe and constantly take in what’s going on around you; you can feel off if you have nothing to observe.

Kitchens (Wet–Left Arrow)

You thrive in spaces where people come together and have the potential for collaboration and creating new things. You work better with others around you and may lose steam on your own. You especially thrive in humid environments, like in the shower or with a humidifier.

Your optimal environment is one where there is a chance of meeting people, collaborating, sharing spaces, or the possibility of creating something new. You are happy to gather with all kinds of people, where the transformation of something could occur.

As a left arrow, you are most productive when you have consistency and structure in your physical, emotional, relational, and mental environments. You feel ungrounded when you move around often and prefer to spend long periods of time in familiar places, whether to work, relax, or eat. If you have to move around, you find comfort in visiting familiar places (a favorite restaurant).

Kitchens (Dry–Right Arrow)

You thrive in spaces where people come together and have the potential for collaboration and creating new things. You work better with others around you and may lose steam on your own. You especially thrive in dry environments, like a sauna or with a dehumidifier.

Your optimal environment is one where there is a chance of meeting people, collaborating, sharing spaces, or the possibility of creating something new. You are happy to gather with all kinds of people, where the transformation of something could occur.

As a right arrow, you thrive and get inspired when you mix up your environments, such as where you work, eat, or live. Right-arrow people move around often or try new things. When you feel stuck, try a simple change of environment, such as work from a different place, eat lunch outside, or go for a walk. You like to observe and constantly take in what’s going on around you; you can feel off if you have nothing to observe.

Valleys (Narrow–Left Arrows)

You thrive when you’re connected to the flow of information and know what’s going on around you. You function better with focused sound and direct acoustic connection, such as headphones or one-on-one.

Your optimal environment is one where your finger is on the pulse of information and society. You like to be at street level where you can see what is happening and connect with whomever and whatever is happening around you.

As a left arrow, you are most productive when you have consistency and structure in your physical, emotional, relational, and mental environments. You feel ungrounded when you move around often and prefer to spend long periods of time in familiar places, whether to work, relax, or eat. If you have to move around, you find comfort in visiting familiar places (a favorite restaurant or the same cafe every day).

Valleys (Wide–Right Arrow)

You thrive when you’re connected to the flow of information and know what’s going on around you. You function better with background or diffused sounds and may struggle with loud or direct sounds (like headphones).

Your optimal environment is one where your finger is on the pulse of information and society. You like to be at street level where you can see what is happening and connect with who and what is happening around you.

As a right arrow, you thrive and get inspired when you mix up your environments, such as where you work, eat, or live. Right-arrow people move around often or try new things. When you feel stuck, try a simple change of environment, such as work from a different place, eat lunch outside, or go for a walk. You like to observe and constantly take in what’s going on around you; you can feel off if you have nothing to observe.

Shores (Natural–Left Arrow)

You thrive in environments where there are two perspectives (ie. sitting near a window, indoor/outdoor view, different viewpoints, immersed in a new world or experience), especially with direct or natural light.

Your optimal environments are places where there is a contrast or edge between two completely different views. This might be waterfront or a window, traveling, fantasy world, fishtank or anywhere you can view a completely different view than where you are.

As a left arrow, you are most productive when you have consistency and structure in your physical, emotional, relational, and mental environments. You feel ungrounded when you move around often and prefer to spend long periods of time in familiar places, whether to work, relax, or eat. If you have to move around, you find comfort in visiting familiar places (a favorite restaurant).

Shores (Artificial–Right Arrow)

You thrive in environments where there are two perspectives (ie. sitting near a window, indoor/outdoor view, different viewpoints, immersed in a new world or experience), especially with indirect or artificial light.

Your optimal environments are places where there is a contrast or edge between two completely different views. This might be waterfront or a window, traveling, fantasy world, fishtank or anywhere you can view a completely different view than where you are.

As a right arrow, you thrive and get inspired when you mix up your environments, such as where you work, eat, or live. Right-arrow people move around often or try new things. When you feel stuck, try a simple change of environment, such as work from a different place, eat lunch outside, or go for a walk. You like to observe and constantly take in what’s going on around you; you can feel off if you have nothing to observe.

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