Perspective is how you best analyze and view the world. Your perspective moves towards your transferred perspective when your life becomes out of alignment; this is not the best way to process the world around you, and can become a negative focus or perspective.
This is the dominant lens through which you analyze and interpret the world. The way you see things offers useful knowledge and helps you weigh up what’s important.
Survival Perspective
Transferred View: Wanting
You correctly view and analyze the world when you see it through the context of survival: what can or will survive, what it takes to survive, and the fears and insecurities you need to cover to ensure your basic survival.
You see the world as you should when you analyze everything related to survival: what can survive, what it takes to do so, and how to ensure the survival of yourself and everyone else. You want to reduce the fears and insecurities related to not covering your basic needs or those of others.
Possibility Perspective
Transferred View: Probability
You correctly view and analyze the world when you see it through the context of all of the possibilities: the potential of situations and people, whether positive or negative. You see a variety of possible outcomes or solutions that others may not consider.
You see the world as you should when you analyze everything related to its possibilities. You see the potential of things, situations, and people, whether positive or negative, and can guide yourself and others to bigger and better outcomes. You see more options than others, which gives you alternative ways to solve problems or obstacles.
Power Perspective
Transferred View: Personal
You correctly view and analyze the world when you see it through the context of who is up and who is down, especially in relation to the material plane. This is about measuring power and material gain: who is winning and who is losing, who is the best at what they do, or who is misusing their power.
You see the world as you should when you analyze everything related to power and the material plane: who is at the top and bottom, and what it takes to get there. You see who or what is succeeding or failing, or who misusing their power. You analyze what needs to be done to help and guide yourself or others to success or power. Tends to have a comparing, measuring, or analytical view in general.
Wanting Perspective
Transferred View: Survival
You correctly view and analyze the world when you see it through the context of what is missing, what people truly need and want, and what is being called for. These people tend to be social and can get caught up in trying to meet or fix the neediness and lack of others.
You see the world as you should when you analyze everything related to what people lack, want, or need. You sometimes easily see the most pressing or core needs in a person, community, or market. You tend to know exactly who or what is useful to address these needs.
Probability Perspective
Transferred View: Possibility
You correctly view and analyze the world when you see it through the context of the most probable outcomes. Your realistic and focused perspective can determine how things will likely go. These people tend to be sure about their viewpoints and decisions.
You see the world as you should when you analyze everything related to probability. Thanks to your realistic and calculated perspective, you can effectively evaluate and analyze outcomes to see the most probable outcome. This helps you make confident and quick steps to reach your goals.
Personal Perspective
Transferred View: Power
You correctly view and analyze the world when you understand it through your personal context of how you see things. Analyzing things through your viewpoint and life experiences may appear naive or disconnected but it is correct for you to stick to what you inherently believe or value.
You see the world as you should when you analyze everything through your own context and process. You have a bigger impact when you bring your personal perspective and insight to others and share an individual point of view. Your expressions, ideas, or concepts come from your unique perspective.